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You Can Relive Your Golden Time

Golden Time

YOU CAN RE-LIVE YOUR GOLDEN TIME - Depends on Vimshottri Dasha &  Saturn transit 

Good times end, but the memories associated with them stays forever. A businessman in his midforties was doing very well until the middle of the year 2005, with the saturn transit from the Gemini to Cancer sign, the expansion plans he had implemented for his business, backfired. His partners also drifted away after inflicting heavy losses on him, major debtors closed without paying him back and creditors turned relentless. His empire shrunk drastically. But his golden run till the middle of 2005 had infused in him such confidence that he somehow managed himself through the crisis till the year 2017. “When will that golden era come? Is there any hope of reliving that time again? These were the questions he asked, when he met me at the end of 2017.

There are numerous such stories and vimshottri dasha & saturn transit play dominant roles in all such stories. A businessman comes to me hoping to live the time again when everything he touched turned to gold. An unmarried person comes to me expecting to see that time again when there were plenty of proposals, but he/she did not bother. A serviceman comes to me imagining to relive the time of maximum promotions and recognition. Those who have witnessed a lush green time in the past, always have the desire to turn the clock back. Before I reveal the secret about the chances of reliving the golden era, I would like to draw your attention to why the golden era slips away into oblivion. The fructification of the benefic yogas of a horoscope depends upon two factors, one of which is the Vimshottari Dasha (known as Dasha) and second is the Transit (known as Gochar), most important being Saturn transit. When Vimshottri Dasha & planetry transit , mainly saturn transit, combined turn conducive for the native, the good yoga starts giving results and the golden run starts. But simultaneously, the negative yoga also begins mustering strength which does not fructify till the above two factors are supporting the native, but as soon as either one of the two i.e vimshottri dasha or the planetry transit  turns its back, the charged negative yoga starts to unleash its venom, the amount of which depends on the length of the languishing period. Astrologically, what has happened once can be relived, as the yoga of prosperity that one has seen lies embedded in the horoscope. One just has to know little more about Vimshottri Dasha & planetry transit  to tackle the actual impact of all planets. Meet Dr Vinay Bajrangi best astrologer for all type of astrological predictions, free astrological predictions through his blogs.