How can I please Rahu and Ketu?

In Vedic astrology, Rahu and Ketu are the sinful and shadow planets. If their position is not favorable in the horoscope, then the person's life can be very difficult. Rahu and Ketu have 5th, 7th, and 9th aspects and affect the house in which they are placed. Thus, if Rahu and Ketu and Ketu are in an inauspicious position in the horoscope, then these two together can directly affect 8 out of 12 houses of the horoscope.
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How Rahu and Ketu affect your life?

Rahu and Ketu are generally considered inauspicious and sinful planets. These two are the intersection points of the Moon and the Earth’s orbit; that’s why they are invisible planets. According to mythology, these tawo planets eclipse the Sun and the Moon together.
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