Does debilitated Saturn in Sagittarius Ascendant give only inauspicious effects?

Sagittarius Ascendant is considered to be an auspicious Ascendant to be born as Jupiter is the lord of this sign, the most auspicious of all the nine planets. The people of Sagittarius ascendant have sattvik nature and religious ideology. Sagittarius is dominant in fire element and is dual in nature. People of Sagittarius ascendant are tall and very energetic. They are full of enthusiasm and energy and are benevolent in nature.
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Which is the most beneficial planet in the 6th house?

The sixth house in astrology is as special as other houses in the birth chart. Often seen as a negative bhava, the 6th house is called a bad house, trik bhava, or duhsthana in Vedic Astrology. But nothing can be termed as completely bad or good in Astrology, and everything has both positive and negative sides to be explained.
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क्या 12 वें घर में राहु का मतलब सन्यास योग है?

जन्म कुंडली के बारहवें घर में बैठा राहु/kundli ke barve bhav me rahu व्यक्ति को सन्यास योग देगा ऐसा कहना पूर्ण रुप से उचित नहीं होगा। राहु की स्थिति बारहवें घर में कुछ अनुकूल तो कुछ प्रतिकूल भी कही जाती है। राहु की स्थिति को लेकर ज्योतिषियों मे कई तरह के मतभेद भी देखे जा सकते हैं। राहु एक ऐसा ग्रह है जिसके फल कुंडली के खराब स्थान पर अधिक अनुकूल भी दिखाई देते हैं।
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Effect of Combination of Rahu and Jupiter in Different Houses

The relation between Rahu and Jupiter is considered very important. The position of these two planets in the birth chart is considered very special because one is a demon and the other is a teacher. Now the relation of these two is specially known as Guru Chandal Yoga.
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What will be the result if Mars is in its own sign in the birth chart?

It is favorable for Mars to be in its own sign on the birth chart. Here two things will show their special impact. First, which of its two signs that Mars is sitting in? Mars, in both its signs, will show different effects on the person with its sign placement. The presence of Mars in its own sign is likely to increase the significance of the planet.
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Career Selection For Females Using Astrology

In todays’ time, women have not only entered in almost all careers but at some places, they have even outshined men. The supreme power has created all of us in the same mold and given human mind that knows no limitations, and hence we all have unlimited capabilities. 
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Best Time to Get Married This Year based on Your Birth Chart

It is said that the best time to get married is when you are ready for it. But, there are certain things that one must keep in mind before getting married. The first and foremost thing is the planetary positions. The planets play a very important role in our lives and they can influence our life in many ways. So, it is very important to check the planetary positions before getting married.
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Significance of Jupiter in Different Houses

When we talk about the most evident or pratyaksha God in the horoscope, we are talking about the planet Jupiter and their role of Jupiter in our life, which we are going to read in this write-up. Jupiter is called the Jeeva or soul of a person in Astrology.
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What is the effect and remedy if Saturn is in seventh house?

According to astrology, planets profoundly affect a person’s life. In contrast, a person can succeed in every area of his life under the auspicious effects of the planets. Due to the inauspicious position of the planets in the horoscope, the person may face many physical, mental, and financial problems.
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What happens if the Sun is in The Eleventh House?

It is the earnest desire of every human being to own a wishbone or a magic wand that would bring all their dreams to reality. Unfortunately, only a few of us can experience wish-fulfillment in several sectors of our lives. Practically speaking, the sincere and proper efforts put in the right time and direction can help us reach the objective almost all the time.
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कथा के बिना क्यों पूर्ण नहीं होता रमा एकादशी का व्रत?

एकादशी, भगवान विष्णु जी को समर्पित दिन माना गया है। इस दिन विष्णु जी की पूजा की जाती है।  प्रत्येक माह की ग्यारहवी तिथि को एकादशी कहा जाता है। इस प्रकार एक मास में दो बार एकादशी आती है। साल में कुल 24 और यदि अधिक मास है तो यह संख्या 25 -26  तक भी जा सकती है। हर एकादशी का अपना एक विशेष नाम और महत्व है।
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Why Hanuman Birth anniversary celebrated twice a year?

Hanuman Jayanti is celebrated twice with great enthusiasm all over India. One Jayanti marks the birth of Lord Hanuman, while the other marks his victory over evil spirits.  Hanuman is an incarnation of Lord Shiva and an ardent devotee of Lord Rama. He is the personification of dedication and devotion. Many types of legends prevail regarding the time of birth of Lord Hanuman. Hanuman Jayanti usually falls every year in Chaitra month on a full moon day.
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